Twitter Desktop Client

Twitter Desktop Client

Prayer in Public Schools
Version 1
Bestätigte Sicherheit
Bestätigte Sicherheit
Erhalten Sie alle wichtigen Twitter-Einträge auf Ihrem Desktop

Twitter updates every second and with over 500 million tweets per day, it’s hard to keep track with all that clutter. If you want something that offers you access to the latest updates on Twitter in a nice, timely manner, Twitter@Desktop simplifies things down by not only letting you see your updates but also takes the liberty of removing all graphics, picture attachments or video links to give you a pure, unadulterated stream of information. All updates are displaced a plain text (Uni-code) giving the software a basic, grassroots level appeal.
Once it is installed, Twitter@Desktop can be linked with ease with your current Twitter account every time you sign in. Automatic sync is not supported by Twitter unless you choose and the app will request authorization from Twitter for every session. A pin code, generated by Twitter, will be required before you can access or open this software.
The news feed you get through Twitter@Desktop does not follow real time or auto-refresh in order to show the latest updates. Manually clicking a button called ‘Latest Tweets’ will refresh the newsfeed for you. The newsfeed is capable of showing the last thirty tweets posted by the people whom you follow on Twitter.

Twitter Desktop Client
Twitter Desktop Client
Prayer in Public Schools
Version 1
Bestätigte Sicherheit

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