ExactScan for Mac

ExactScan for Mac

Version 16.11
3.26 MB
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Redaktionelle Empfehlung: ExactScan for Mac 16.11

ExactScan is a very popular driver software for Mac users that has up to 2000 built-in drivers for various document scanners including Kodak, Oki, Visioneer, Xerox and a host of others. ExactScan is easy to use and works efficiently in offering a fast document scanning feature. The new version of ExactScan has improved calibration for many of the scanners and enhanced support for several older and newer scanners. ExactScan allows you to use more than 150 document scanners with the support of a Mac driver from their original manufacturer. Some of the exciting features of ExactScan includes the image enhancement abilities, blank page detection, ability to scan sidereal documents and other useful features. ExactScan works by transforming the text into images and converts it into editable documents that can be worked on. The new ExactScan works faster and more accurately than before. ExactScan supports Macs running Intel OS X 10.6 or later.

An app to scan with over 200 built-in drivers.

With the combination of the Mac Os X Spotlight indexing system, ExactScan for Mac works by providing quick and easy document scanning. It has capabilities to enhance images and converts them into searchable documents. Developed by ExactCODE, ExactScan for Mac continues to make automated and intelligent document scanning accessible for Mac users. The new ExactScan also can make copies of the scanned document using a printer and a new feature called the ‘Blank page Detection. It allows you to use the page to serve as a placeholder or to delete everything together. Another new feature is the ability to reset your profiles to their default settings thereby making sure you are not disrupting any setting. ExactScan for Mac has been greatly improved, and more supports have been added for devices that were not emails I will definitely recommend ExactScan for any Mac user looking for an affordable document scanning app that can make their image files editable.

ExactScan for Mac
ExactScan for Mac
Version 16.11
3.26 MB
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